Chang Ajhib 12 Juli 2024 08:50:47 WIB

During my visit to the enchanting village of Semuten in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, I experienced an event that profoundly touched my heart and soul. Organized by the dedicated team of Pemuda Untuk Volunteer (PUV) Indonesia, the event was a beautiful showcase of the village's rich cultural heritage and deep connection to nature. For two days, I had the privilege of staying with Pak Dukuh, the esteemed village chief, whose hospitality and warmth made me feel like a part of the community and their family. I indulged in delicious traditional foods, each dish telling a story of the Indonesian history and traditions. However, the cultural immersion was truly captivating. I was mesmerized by the traditional dance performances, the soulful music, and the intricate art of decorating the vegetables and fruits that reflect the village's vibrant cultural tapestry. These experiences were not just entertainment; they were a window into the soul of Semuten, revealing the villagers' pride in their heritage.

Moreover, the highlight of the event was the main ceremony, where the entire village came together in a heartfelt march towards a specified place, carrying traditional crops, vegetables, and fruits. This procession was a powerful testament to their love and respect for agriculture and their harmonious relationship with nature. It was a moving sight to see people of all ages participating with such enthusiasm and reverence. The friendliness, supportiveness, and welcoming nature of the Semuten villagers left an indelible mark on me. Their genuine kindness and community spirit are something that every visitor to Jogja should experience. I urge all foreigners visiting Jogja to make the journey to Semuten and witness this unique cultural event for themselves.

Thus, a heartfelt thanks to Pak Dukuh and the entire PUV team for organizing such an incredible event and for allowing me to be part of this unforgettable experience. Your efforts in preserving and promoting your culture are truly commendable and inspiring.




Salman Baloch



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